Stop Common Purpose


How Common Purpose abuses YOUR taxes and what YOU can do about it.

Most people have never heard of Common Purpose which is strange because Common Purpose has corruptly abused millions of pounds of taxpayers' money.

"Common Purpose undermines traditionally effective and efficient government departments with an overwhelming influx of new language, political correctness and management initiatives. The talk is of empowering communities, vision, mainstreaming (sucking EU money into a project to sustain it), community empowerment, working partnership, regeneration and celebrating diversity etc etc. Documents appear about change, and reorganisation. In time confusion rules, and things don't seem to work properly. Management decisions are made that seem stupidly destructive. The organisational performance becomes sluggish. Undermining the NHS is Common Purposes' biggest success so far. Council Officers are having quasi secret meetings with, for example, property developer Common Purpose friends. No agendas and no minutes. Common Purpose Graduates from the public quango sectors such as the Regional Development Agencies attend, and have the power to award large sums of public money to projects."

"The EU plan has been very simple and very clever. First set up via the traitors within UK national government the Regional Development Agencies. These were designed to be smooth as silk and sweet as honey - to do all things good e.g. regeneration, helping communities, helping business, innovation, entrepreneurship etc etc. Next load the honey trap with large amounts of money so that people, organisations are attracted to the honey pot. As more people are attracted, increase the powers of the RDAs to include planning powers and input. Make it compulsory for City Councils, County Councils and District Councils to consult them, and then their power increases further. And with planning powers they can get their organisational snouts into virtually every walk of life."

"Meanwhile 'bring the government to the people' by setting up the Regional Government Offices - (remembering Regional = EU). The Government Offices now get increasing powers to interfere in everything, and especially local and strategic planning, because almost nothing gets done, or built without going through the planning process. Make consultation with the Government Offices compulsory."

"Now the clever bit. In the background the traitors now work to introduce the Regional Assemblies. At first un-elected and informal, so as to allay fears and ease doubts as to their true purpose. Then the 'behind the scenes traitors' start to work to make them elected using large amounts of UK public money and EU funds."

"Millions of pounds of our money has been spend on CP courses alone, and it has been hidden from the public. There are no published accounts, and members names are a guarded secret. It charges substantial figures for its 'courses'. Matrix for example costs £3,950 plus VAT, and courses for the high flying 'leader' can be as much as £9,950 plus VAT. This money is ours, paid by government departments financing senior staff to become agents for CP, instead of being loyal to their own jobs and tax paying public."


How Common Purpose operates in councils.

1. Decisions concerning policy and expenditure affecting councils are made at meetings of Common Purpose that bypass the democratic, executive and scrutiny functions of the council. This is what Common Purpose calls 'leading beyond authority'.

2. Members of Common Purpose, which includes senior council officers, are chosen by Common Purpose for their value to Common Purpose and trained at ratepayers' expense, in spite of the fact that these costs are of no tangible benefit to the taxpayer.

3. The so-called 'graduates' or members of Common Purpose use unaccounted council employee time and resources for the business of Common Purpose and, as with their so-called training, the activities of Common Purpose within councils often escaped the attention of the Full Council, Cabinet and Scrutiny Panel.

4. Meetings of Common Purpose are held using a corporate account, off-books, to pay for the hospitality at these meetings.

5. Citizens are not only lied-to when questions are asked about Common Purpose, but are not even allowed to know which council officers have received the so-called training at the taxpayers' expense, and legitimate requests are still being unlawfully withheld.

6. Common Purpose coaches its members on how to avoid answering Freedom of Information requests and how to break the Data Protection Act with unlawful disclosures.

7. Common Purpose encourages its members to identify 12-15 year olds for grooming before placement for so-called 'Your Turn' training without any evidence of having carried out the statutory criminal safety checks.

8. Those identified with Common Purpose, in any capacity or association, are among the same people determined as either corrupt or behind the worst and continuing abuses of citizens.

...and what YOU can do about it...

YOU have the chance to fight back! Let Common Purpose know that we are on to them.

Find out what you can about expenditure on Common Purpose courses by your local council.

Ask your councillors which Common Purpose courses the council pays for, who goes on these courses, what they cost, where they are held, why the council spends tax payers' money on these courses, what the actual and perceived benefits of these courses are, what the course syllabus is, any course notes and documentation you can find and why people who attend these courses are so secretive about what happens on these courses. Also, what sort of tendering process is involved when these contracts for courses are given to Common Purpose? Are other training companies allowed to compete to provide leadership training courses?

Ask your councillors what is the benefit to YOU, the tax-payer, of these courses. (There isn't any benefit to the tax-payer of these Common Purpose courses.) What assessments/results of the courses are put into writing? (Answer: none.) Why are these courses so expensive? Are they value for money? (Of course not.)

Is this money well-spent? (No, of course not.) Could all these thousands of pounds have been spent more wisely instead of being wasted on Common Purpose courses? (Yes... either your money could be better spent or YOUR taxes could be reduced.)

Find out if Common Purpose is given any free accommodation or services by the local council.

You can find out who your local councillors are here.

Please write to them in your own words, using the points above as a guide or use the following as a template:

Dear Councillor [SURNAME]

Council expenditure on Common Purpose courses and the provision of services/accommodation to Common Purpose.

By Common Purpose, I mean the training organisation of that name:

I am concerned about the activities of Common Purpose and their relationship with the council.

Perhaps you could find out the answers to the following questions:

1. Is Common Purpose given any free accommodation or services by the council? If so:

1a. What services/accommodation?

1b. When did the provision of these services/accommodation start?

1c. How much does Common Purpose pay for these services/accommodation?

1d. Who first authorised the provision of these services/accommodation?

1e. What are the actual and perceived benefits to the tax-payer of these services/accommodation?

If the council has spent money on providing Common Purpose with services/accommodation, I am concerned that these provisions are a waste of public money. I think that this money could be spent more wisely (or council tax reduced) instead of being wasted on Common Purpose services/accommodation.

2. Has the council paid for any Common Purpose courses? If so:

2a. Who has been on these courses?

2b. What do the individual courses cost?

2c. Where are these courses held?

2d. Why does the council spend tax payers' money on these courses?

2e. What are the actual and perceived benefits to the tax-payer of these courses?

2f. What is the course syllabus?

2g. Can you obtain copies of any course notes or documentation?

2h. Why are the people who attend these courses are so secretive about what happens on these courses?

2i. What sort of tendering process is involved when these contracts for courses are given to Common Purpose? Are other training companies allowed to compete to provide leadership training courses?

2j. What assessments/results of the courses are put into writing?

2k. These courses are very expensive. Do they represent value for money?

If the council has spent money on Common Purpose courses, I am concerned that these courses are a waste of public money. I think that this money could be spent more wisely (or council tax reduced) instead of being wasted on Common Purpose courses.

Yours faithfully



If you suspect behind-the-scenes corrupt deals going on in your council, see if you can find a common factor... all the people concerned may well be Common Purpose 'graduates'.

Happy hunting... remember Common Purpose can't stand people asking questions about them.

How to Find Out Even More About Common Purpose

You can find out more about how to do Freedom of Information (FOI) requests to find out about Common Purpose activities here.

Please sign this petition:

Petition for an inquiry into the organisation known as Common Purpose


Common Purpose UK corruption


Common Purpose is a fraudulent 'educational charity' acting as a change agent being used to recruit and train the commissars and apparatchiks needed to implement the British government's hidden New World Order communitarian agenda.

Common Purpose UK corruption


Common Purpose UK corruption Help stop Common Purpose! Common Purpose hates having people discuss it.

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Common Purpose UK corruption

Corrupting leaders with Common Purpose
Common Purpose UK corruption


Common Purpose UK corruption

Common Purpose UK corruption


Database of some CP members supplied by Brian Gerrish 2009-12-09 (.xls spreadsheet file).

Some CP BBC employees

Common Purpose UK corruption

Common Purpose UK corruption

Common Purpose UK corruption

Common Purpose UK corruption


Common Purpose UK corruption


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Common Purpose UK corruption


Why not print a few off and discuss Common Purpose with your friends? Spread the word!

Britain 2010s
The Common Purpose Fraud
Common Purpose Concept Map
Common Purpose Summary
Common Purpose Media
Common Purpose Police
Common Purpose Stasi

Many thanks to supporters of this campaign for spreading the word!

Common Purpose UK corruption

Common Purpose UK corruption


Common Purpose UK corruption

Common Purpose UK corruption


Common Purpose UK corruption


Common Purpose UK corruption